
We love the ride – with motorcycles, cars, oldtimers, scooters. We love the sound, smell and power of combustion engines – we are thrilled by the pull and torque of electric vehicles. We like old, middle-aged and new vehicles – expensive sleds and lovable scrap. Every vehicle and every situation has its own fun terrain. We are enthusiastic about driving – and by that we mean more than just moving from A to B. Because every ride is a story and for us, this experience includes preparation, the experience itself, but also holding on to the memories. And last but not least the exchange and sharing with friends.

We are motocompaneros.


In 2008 the idea was born to develop a software tool to mark roads on digital maps in color and to make our experiences recognizable through color coding.

In addition, back then we recorded our tours with GPS devices and cameras and we thought, that it should somehow be possible to combine videos and tracks. As a result, we hoped to see on a map exactly where we drove and what we experienced there.

Even then online portals, on which tracks could be uploaded by users and evaluated as a whole, were already on the market. But for us it was worthless, because we didn’t want to start exactly where others had started their tour. In addition, the overall rating of a distance of several hundred kilometres was far too vague for us. We wanted to go one step further and gather user experience in order to automatically generate new routes for us and other users.

For the preparation of our experiences we used the best and well-known systems of big manufacturers. In addition to online satellite maps, various web portals and finally an expensive navigation device.

After one tour we were able to archive our experiences with a lot of effort and various programs, but if we wanted to show a friend great tours, track sections and experiences, he had to sit next to us in front of the computer.

It was amazing news for us, when finally various video cameras with GPS recording were introduced to the market. Unfortunately all these systems were and are closed. Each manufacturer has its own recording principle and its own software. However, we wanted to use a system, that could process GPS videos independently of the manufacturer. Then it would be up and running worldwide. In addition, we thought of many useful posibilities, that could be realised with GPS videos and which weren’t available anywhere yet.

All enough reasons for us to start developing, in spring 2013, what we now call motocompano. The path of development was as curvy as the routes, that we calculate today. We had to invent several world novelties (e.g. to be able to evaluate roads by individual criteria or to synchronize any video on the web with a track) in order to achieve what we present to you here – and what has already become a faithful companion to us.

A system as a source of inspiration, for detailed preparation, navigation, documentation and presentation of tours. Accessible from any device, easy to use and equipped with the most innovative tools for discovering and planning tours, navigating on the road and afterwards reliving and sharing great adventures. Now available!

Intensify your motorlife